About Us

Kinetic Analysis Corporation provides a global, multi-model, multi-hazard view of deterministic and probabilistic hazard, damage and loss data. Multi-model, deterministic data are available in near real-time for ongoing events, as well as for historical or hypothetical scenarios.


A world resilient to extreme events and climate change. 


To improve our client's response to extreme events and climate change.

Our values are personal and span our experiences as a member of the KAC team, our families and our communities


Team: Authenticity, Integrity, Reliability, Wisdom

Personal: Well-being, Prosperity

Family & Community: Community, Family, Harmony, Tolerance

Meet Our Team

Rick Murnane photo
  • CEO

    Rick joined Kinetic Analysis Corporation in 2018. His goal is to ensure complete client satisfaction and the greatest possible user experience. In the past, Rick has held positions at Risk Management Solutions as Director, Developer Relations and at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences as a Senior Research Scientist and as the Program Manager for the Risk Prediction Initiative (RPI). He has also been a co-founder of several companies that developed catastrophe risk models and other tools for assessing and managing risk. Rick received a Ph.D. in Geological and Geophysical Sciences from Princeton University.


J-P Michael photo
  • Lead Operations

    J-P has worked in hazard modeling for three years with a focus on hurricane winds. Prior to entering the industry, he obtained his PhD in Atmospheric Science working with coupled land-ocean general circulation models – primarily the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)’s Community Earth System Model (CESM). During this time he focused on validation and simulation of global models, and the limitations of observational data. He has a degree in computer science with experience in GIS and worked with University and FEMA members on experimental GIS mapping in the New Orleans area shortly after Hurricane Katrina.


  • Operational Meteorologist

    Anxhelo graduated from Florida State University with a M.S. in Meteorology. Throughout graduate school, he worked to develop forecast models for the prediction of controlled burns in the southeastern U.S. He also worked on simulating and modeling the impacts of climate change on these burns with machine learning. In 2019, he participated in a NASA/NOAA field campaign that investigated the impacts of fires on air quality and climate. During graduate school, Anxhelo also began to work in the area of hazards, specializing in hurricane winds. It was during this time that he became interested in the impacts of tropical cyclones and ways of mitigating costs and risks associated with storms. Anxhelo joined Kinetic in 2022.


Ben Collins photo
  • Senior Full Stack Developer

    As a Senior Full Stack Developer with 8 years of experience, I possess a broad range of skills and expertise in developing robust and innovative web applications. I have a strong command of modern technologies such as React.js, Redux, Node.js, TypeScript, and AWS, which I have leveraged to build complex and scalable applications for various clients across diverse industries. With my experience in both front-end and back-end development, I have a keen ability to integrate these two areas seamlessly, resulting in high-performance and user-friendly applications. I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques in the field, and I am committed to delivering top-quality work that exceeds client expectations.


Steven Stichter photo
  • Board Member and Treasurer

    Steven has over two decades' experience with natural hazards risk management and modeling, and software engineering. During this period, he has used detailed hazard data and geographic information systems to address coastal management issues in the US and to inform growth and development issues in the Caribbean. As Kinetic Analysis' Chief Operating Officer, Steven managed implementation and operation of our real-time impact forecasting system, as well as execution of complex hazard and loss risk assessment projects. Steven also served as the previous CEO for Kinetic Analysis Corporation.


Jan Vermeiren photo
  • President

    Jan developed broad expertise in risk assessment from natural hazards and climate change through work as sustainable development division chief for the Organization of American States in the 1990's. As part of this work, he promoted the strengthening of scientific hazard and risk assessment in the Caribbean, including significant storm hazard modeling, which served as a basis for continued risk management capacity building and investments in the region. Jan Vermeiren was a co-founder of Kinetic Analysis Corporation and served as its CEO through 2012. As Board Chair, he provides strategic guidance for the company's growth and success.